Avoiding Renter's Regret: Understanding Renter's Insurance Coverage

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Avoiding Renter's Regret: Understanding Renter's Insurance Coverage

Moving into my first apartment brought along a whole series of new experiences. I didn't realize that the property insurance my landlord carried wouldn't cover my belongings. I was lucky to find out before anything happened, and I spent a lot of time researching the difference between renter's insurance and the property coverage for landlords. I built this site to share all of the information that I learned, including the insurance coverage best practices I picked up along the way. If you're new to renting and don't have any renter's insurance, I hope the information here helps you to see how it could benefit you and what you need to do to get it.


Why You Need to Sign Up for Farm Insurance

16 April 2015
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Farm insurance is an umbrella term for a number of policies designed for entrepreneurs involved in any type of farming activity, such as agriculture or breeding. If you've recently decided to start a farm business, then you need to make sure that you will be protected against the various perils that are associated with your sector of activity, including vandalism or bad weather. This article discusses why you need to sign up for farm insurance. Read More …

Getting Married: Make These 4 Insurance Adjustments

1 April 2015
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If you are getting married, there is more than planning your wedding party's attire and selecting the vendors that you must worry about. Important financial matters such as insurance need to be handled as soon as possible. You will need to make insurance adjustments both before and after your vows. 1. Add Your Rings to the Homeowners Insurance Policy Once you have the engagement ring and wedding rings, you should add them to your homeowners insurance policy. Read More …

3 Factors That Go Into Your Auto Insurance Quote

20 March 2015
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Auto insurance quotes are an excellent way to estimate how much you are going to have to pay in order to get properly insured. However, if the auto insurance company returns a quote that you think is far too high, you may be tempted to argue with the company. Before you argue, take a look at these three factors. There might be outside forces at play that have caused your auto insurance to be higher than you anticipated. Read More …

2 Additional Auto Insurance Coverage Policies To Consider

3 March 2015
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Purchasing auto insurance can be a bit confusing and time-consuming, mostly because of the many different types of coverage. Two additional coverage types to consider when looking for auto insurance are comprehensive and underinsured motorist. Comprehensive Coverage In most cases, basic insurance coverage will protect you in the event that you are involved in an accident. However, if your vehicle is damaged in a way that does not involve another vehicle, basic insurance coverage will not be able to assist you with paying for repairs or a replacement vehicle. Read More …

Things That Raise Your Homeowner’s Insurance Premiums

13 February 2015
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Keeping your mortgage payments low is probably a budgetary goal you have, just like homeowners across the country. While it's extremely hard to reduce your mortgage payment or property taxes, there are a few things that raise your homeowner's insurance premiums. Taking action to remedy certain situations when possible, helps cut your insurance costs. Then, this helps reduce the amount you spend on your home each month: Owning Certain Types of Dogs Read More …