Avoiding Renter's Regret: Understanding Renter's Insurance Coverage

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Avoiding Renter's Regret: Understanding Renter's Insurance Coverage

Moving into my first apartment brought along a whole series of new experiences. I didn't realize that the property insurance my landlord carried wouldn't cover my belongings. I was lucky to find out before anything happened, and I spent a lot of time researching the difference between renter's insurance and the property coverage for landlords. I built this site to share all of the information that I learned, including the insurance coverage best practices I picked up along the way. If you're new to renting and don't have any renter's insurance, I hope the information here helps you to see how it could benefit you and what you need to do to get it.


Personal Injury: Avoid These 2 Pitfalls While Making Your Claim

25 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

The complexity of injury claims can seem intimidating and discourage you from seeking compensation. There are many pitfalls that can lead to your claim going unsettled, which is why it helps to understand the law and have an experienced injury lawyer by your side to guide you through the process. Read on to learn common problems that could delay your settlement or result in your claim being dismissed, so you can better prepare yourself to mount a successful fight for compensation. Read More …

Why And How These Four Factors Influence Auto Insurance Rates

10 February 2016
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Auto insurance premiums are determined by so many factors that you probably don't know some of them. Here are some of the hidden factors that may determine the rates you pay for your car insurance: Unemployment Rates It is unfortunate that places with high unemployment rates may also have high car insurance premiums. This is understandable given that those who are unemployed or have extremely low incomes may forgo car insurance as a way of trimming their expenses. Read More …

Tips For Selecting Commercial Insurance

26 January 2016
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

As a small business owner, purchasing insurance takes more than just selecting the policy with the lowest premium. There are many other factors that should be taken into account. If you are in the process of searching for commercial insurance, here are some tips to help.  Assess Your Risks Your search for commercial insurance should start by identifying any risk factors that you or your business has that could result in a higher premium. Read More …

Insurance For The Stay At Home Parent

13 January 2016
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

As a stay at home parent, you might believe that your lack of income means that you do not need an assortment of insurance products. Should catastrophe strike, this line of thinking can put the well-being of your family in danger. Adding life insurance and disability insurance keeps your family protected when life throws a curveball. Life Insurance Many stay at home parents think that only their working partner needs life insurance. Read More …

The Ins And Outs Of Casualty Insurance

24 December 2015
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

When you want to make sure you are properly insured, it is critical that you arm yourself with the best and most relevant information about your policy. This way, you'll have a clear idea of how your insurance will work for you and how much insurance you are covered for. If you are in the market for casualty insurance and need to be sure about what you are getting, read on. Read More …