Exotic Pets: Are You Covered?

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Avoiding Renter's Regret: Understanding Renter's Insurance Coverage

Moving into my first apartment brought along a whole series of new experiences. I didn't realize that the property insurance my landlord carried wouldn't cover my belongings. I was lucky to find out before anything happened, and I spent a lot of time researching the difference between renter's insurance and the property coverage for landlords. I built this site to share all of the information that I learned, including the insurance coverage best practices I picked up along the way. If you're new to renting and don't have any renter's insurance, I hope the information here helps you to see how it could benefit you and what you need to do to get it.


Exotic Pets: Are You Covered?

26 August 2016
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

The animals that people chose as pets used to be pretty standard: dogs, cats, horses, hamsters, bunnies, and the odd turtle or snake. Now more and more people seem to embrace the truly exotic pets such as llamas, pot-bellied pigs, iguanas, and boa constrictors. People in your town may own a wolf or a lion. If you decide to buy such a pet, you will learn how expensive they are to buy and keep healthy. As a result, you need to invest in insurance that will cover the loss of your new and expensive pet.


If your dog gets loose and bites a neighbor, your homeowner's liability coverage probably already covers the damages. Your boa constrictor or pet tiger are a different matter. You will need to consult with your insurance agent to see if your current homeowner's policy covers exotic animals. If not, you will need to find a separate policy for your animal. Otherwise, you could be exposed to costly litigation by your neighbor.

Medical Bills

If your exotic animal is injured or becomes ill, the medical cost can be exorbitant. Taking your dog or cat to the vet can routinely cost you hundreds of dollars, so imagine what it costs to have your llama treated. First. you have to find someone who specializes in these types of animals. Then they may need expensive tests and follow-up treatment. Often, exotic pets are more likely to become ill than domestic animals. Without a pet policy, you may not be able to afford the specialized care that these animals need.


A separate pet policy can protect you against financial loss if your pet dies or is stolen. Although nothing can truly replace the pet that you lost, a policy can pay you enough money to purchase another animal. Exotic pets traditionally cost much more than most domestic animals, so you need to protect your investment. Your heart may be broken if you lose your friend, but the right insurance can help ease some of the financial strain.

If you purchase an exotic animal, you need to immediately consult with your insurance agent. Many companies will exclude exotic animals from your homeowner's policy, leaving you vulnerable to loss. In addition, you should purchase coverage for medical issues and the possible loss of the animal. Once the policy is in place, you can relax a bit and enjoy the new addition to your family. For more information, contact local professionals like Accredited Insurance Group Inc.